
每缕清新都叫情思 剪不断 The refreshing breeze brings my endless love to you 诉不尽的情话里 四季在轮换 Our words of love will go on with changing seasons 看那沧海变桑田 依偎商洛蓝 Whatever comes I will snuggle up to you the blue skies of Shangluo 永...

定义:改变某人的想法 Fred had a change of heart and invited the young boy into his home.弗雷德改变了主意,邀请那个小男孩回家。I wish you would have a change of heart about ...

动词“adore”指“十分爱慕、喜欢”,它强调对一个人的崇敬和尊重之情。2 I want a lifetime with you.我想与你共度一生。名词“lifetime”的意思是“有生之年,一辈子”。3 I treasure you.我珍惜你。“Treasure”作名词时指“财宝”。这句话中的“treasure”是动...

要真的学懂、学透英语,做到能够真正使用英语,练习口语也是不可缺少的一环。 在抖音上,就有这样一位温柔可爱的老师Emily。她声音细腻好听,还总是在抖音上分享一些地道的英语表达方式,帮...

9.heart to heart 诚恳的,诚心的 Love is not a bond, or a relationship, but more of a heart to heart conversation. 爱不是一种结合,或一种关系,它更多的是一种心灵和心灵的交谈。 ...

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